Feedback or requests for help with the site.
Aug 22nd, 2023, 6:43 pm
Something is wrong. The site kicked me out yesterday, didn't accept my passwd, which I keep on a post-it-note in my desk drawer. So it isn't a case of me forgetting. So I asked for reset, got email, clicked the link to activate, all worked. Only it didn't. It didn't accept my new random passwd when I used copy-paste. I didn't write it, as it is the stage when pottentially mistakes happen. Ok, so maybe the forum is slow, will wait and use the random passwd later. Didn't work. Several hours later I asked for another reset. Again, used the link, worked. Changed my passwd, wrote it on another post-it, all great.

Only today the forum kicked me out. So I wrote the new passwd, didn't work. I didn't forget it so quickly, but to be on the safe side I wrote it again looking at the post-it. Again the forum didn't accept it.

So another change, for now the forum accepts my new passwd, but is there a glitch? I know I used the passwd I wrote yesterday. Theee was no problem with caps and so on.

What do I do? It's kinda weird.
Aug 22nd, 2023, 6:43 pm
Aug 22nd, 2023, 10:11 pm
Are you using your browser's saved passwords feature? Could it be overwriting the password you enter?
Aug 22nd, 2023, 10:11 pm