The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
Apr 7th, 2024, 3:30 pm
Faust: Love of the Damned by David Quinn and Tim Vigil
Requirements: .CBR/.CBZ reader, 1.49MB
Overview: Dare to go beyond good and evil, immersing yourself in this adult horror odyssey.
A man seduced by power plunges into an underground urban hell dominated by madness and the mystical. Haunted by tortured love, he rages through primal hallucinations in a blood-drenched nightmare of attraction and repulsion, sex and death, revenge and reclamation.
Genre: Comics


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Apr 7th, 2024, 3:30 pm

I was in the beginning and shall be forever. The first and the last. The world come full circle. I am time, the destroyer. I was the wind and the stars before this. Before planets. Before heaven and hell. And when all is done, I will be wind again, to blow this world as dust back into endless space.