Section head: Mr Fufu
Feb 2nd, 2024, 12:30 pm
Ми переможемо разом привит з Одеси Слава Україні!
Feb 2nd, 2024, 12:30 pm
Feb 3rd, 2024, 10:47 pm
Today the Senate finally presented, H.R. 815, a bill to fund military aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and border reform, with a vote likely scheduled for this Wednesday. Please take a couple minutes to reach out to your Senators and urge them to vote yes:

More info here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5523039
Feb 3rd, 2024, 10:47 pm
Feb 7th, 2024, 6:12 pm
Sorry for the late reply i have had Thyroid cancer and I am trying to recover going for radiation therapy in the next few day's
But this is nothing to the atrocities that are happening to your country and its people, As you are probably more than aware here in the UK our media has decided to brush this under the carpet and many UK residents are probably unaware Ukrainian still at war.

UKRAINE Be strong and please get through this stay safe you are very strong people
Feb 7th, 2024, 6:12 pm

Feb 11th, 2024, 7:59 am
am so very sorry for what you all are going through. God bless and we all hope for peace
Feb 11th, 2024, 7:59 am
Feb 13th, 2024, 5:09 pm
Slava Ukraini from Portugal. We must be united to stand against this evil.
Feb 13th, 2024, 5:09 pm
Feb 16th, 2024, 8:15 pm
Rest In Power Alexei Navalny.

A bit problematic on some issues but nevertheless, incredibly brave and totally undeserving of his tragic fate at the hands of a petty tyrant who gets others to do his dirty work as he stares at his own mortality, unimpressive military prowess and his little goblin head.

Solidarity with all who fight fascism wherever they find it, however they can do it.
Feb 16th, 2024, 8:15 pm
Feb 27th, 2024, 7:22 pm
I agree. One thing we can all agree he was a brave man. Pitty not many like him.
Feb 27th, 2024, 7:22 pm
Feb 29th, 2024, 2:00 pm
Thank you to everyone who works so hard at keeping Mobilism up and running under these most difficult circumstance.
Feb 29th, 2024, 2:00 pm
Mar 10th, 2024, 9:30 am
Given that Russia has an election next week, do you think it's possible that the regime changes which leads to some sort of peace deal or ceasefire in the war? I personally feel this is highly unlikely.
Mar 10th, 2024, 9:30 am
Mar 10th, 2024, 11:10 am
What regime change? Putin is a dictator. He's controlled Russia for 25 years. When he no longer needed Medvedev to warm his seat he just rigged elections or changed the constitution extending his possible term until 2030-6. Any real opposition is either currently in jail or dead. The popular vote is meaningless Hey, just like in America!
Mar 10th, 2024, 11:10 am
Mar 10th, 2024, 4:24 pm
As I understand it, there's also going to be a very significant internet voting mechanism this "election" too, which is quite a bad idea and undoes many of the protections of a secret ballot. You want to vote against Putin that way? Have fun. Their security state is enormous and they'll be monitoring people at physical polls too w/surveillance. Who is brave enough to vote against Putin then, when their identity is known? Not enough to get rid of him (that is not a criticism, I understand. Nobody wants to be thrown out a window. People are afraid). Also none of his opposition are real. They're stooges to sort of pretend like elections are kind of real and also to make Putin look like the virtuous strong big important mang for Mother Russia in a sea of corrupt and inept clowns (which his carefully controlled opposition figureheads are) even though he's a tiny little goblin man who has sucked his country dry of wealth and I'm taller than him and I'm a woman. The real opposition...those who are serious and actually oppose Putin, I've already said what happened to them. Don't be fooled. If by some absolute miracle (lol no) but let's just say it happens, he'll just pull a Trump...and unlike Trump, Putin is competent enough to pull it off. Not competent enough to leverage 120 million people and 40% GDP into a military budget to successfully invade a nation a fraction of its size and diminish the size and strength of NATO, but competent enough to stay in power. We Westerners will tire of it as we always do and likely Ukraine will lose its Eastern regions in "negotiation". Germany is going to start to get uncomfortable with their geopolitical fuel situation and you can't rely on Americans for anything, except for crashing the global economy or dragging allied nations to war every <20 years (Edit: I deeply wish what I said at the end there was not true. I want to bash the fash TF out of Ukraine but we're used to playing with the land of others when we get bored or the public begins to grumble about money like Ukraine is the issue and not an $850 billion military budget).
Mar 10th, 2024, 4:24 pm
Last edited by Lady K on Mar 10th, 2024, 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mar 10th, 2024, 4:39 pm
Aaaaaalso Americans are absolutely dumb and fashy enough to vote Trump back in again. For some inexplicable reason despite Biden securing some impressive legislative achievements in some of the worst conditions imaginable and being LESS cognitively impaired than Mango Mussolini (and with the added bonus of not being a malignant narcissist), Trump's ahead in a number of polls. So there's that.
Mar 10th, 2024, 4:39 pm
Mar 11th, 2024, 3:12 am
jaydenjoo wrote:Given that Russia has an election next week, do you think it's possible that the regime changes which leads to some sort of peace deal or ceasefire in the war? I personally feel this is highly unlikely.

There will not be regime change, and Russia is not a democracy. Putin has been in power for 24 years now and has systematically removed all opposition (through murdering, imprisonment and creating fake intentionally weak opposition candidates compared to which he appears appealing). Furthermore, even if there was a free and fair election in Russia right now, Putin would win. His support is not as high as the election results will show, but is still the majority. If you want to learn more about how Russians view the world, don't think of what you would do in their shoes, but instead listen to what they themselves have to say:
Mar 11th, 2024, 3:12 am
Mar 11th, 2024, 7:20 pm
Lady K wrote:Aaaaaalso Americans are absolutely dumb and fashy enough to vote Trump back in again. For some inexplicable reason despite Biden securing some impressive legislative achievements in some of the worst conditions imaginable and being LESS cognitively impaired than Mango Mussolini (and with the added bonus of not being a malignant narcissist), Trump's ahead in a number of polls. So there's that.

I love that nickname (Mango Mussolini)!
I'm currently reading "The Divider", which I got in our lovely book forums here, and I have to say I'm terrified. I'm not American, but what happens in the US affects the whole world, and I dread the thought of him winning again. Our tiny copycat (I'm Argentinian :? ) is way less dangerous, and nevertheless, he was the lesser of two evils, so there was no choice, really.

I'm really worried about the future of Ukraine and NATO if the unthinkable were to happen and Putin's puppet is president again.
Stay strong, Ukraine!
Mar 11th, 2024, 7:20 pm
Mar 12th, 2024, 5:08 pm
The world knows that Russia is committing evil acts. Putin is a monster and a killer
Mar 12th, 2024, 5:08 pm