Oct 29th, 2012, 9:07 am
This is actually a very simple process.

Save your custom POIs to a kml file and convert the kml file to a upoi file using upoieditor (available here: http://www.eyegps.gr/downloads.asp )

For android/wince place the file in the "content/poi" folder, for iphone the location will be similar to "ver/mobile/applications/XXXXX/documents/preference/profiles/01"


  • if editing the upoi file to create/add groups, it must be re-saved as "unicode" not UTF8 or ANSI

  • To create/add custom groups to the upoi file, simply add lines at the end formatted like: number|group name|poi name||LAT|LON||||||

    as examples (assuming these two points do exist as upois):

    01|LondonPOIs|The Dome||51.50252|0.00313||||||
    02|LondonPOIs|Prime Meridian||51.47724|0||||||
Oct 29th, 2012, 9:07 am